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Floating licenses can be shared between multiple users and devices, or they can be used locally – similar to Fixed licenses. Sharing your Floating licenses can be activated via your Chaos account portal. Enabling the Sharing of your Floating licenses will allow all accounts that have been added to your Organization to use the license pool that is assigned to the admin of your Organization. All users have to activate Enscape with their Chaos accounts.

If you have a dedicated administrator, they can opt for another method – installing only the License Server application. This allows the admin to manage the license without the need to download and install Enscape. For instructions on how to install the License Server application, see the Installing the License Server page.

This is a quick guide to help you get started. For a more detailed guide on installing Enscape 4.1 or newer, see the First Steps article.

Steps for the License Holder to Activate the Floating License

Follow these steps to install Enscape and activate it with a floating license(s) that can be shared with other users:

1. Download and Install Enscape

Download the Enscape installation file from and run it. Accept the agreements, and click Next:

Choose which language you wish to use Enscape with and click Install. The wizard will perform the installation:

2. Sign in to the Chaos account that holds the Enscape licenses.

The installation wizard will prompt you to sign in to your Chaos account. Click Sign in to be redirected to the Chaos Single Sign-on webpage.

Make sure to enter the credentials for the Chaos account holding the Enscape license. You can use an existing Enscape login if you already have one.

Once you’ve signed in, you can close the webpage.

3. Enscape is ready.

  • Go back to the Enscape installer and choose your telemetry options. The Enscape installation is complete once you click Done.
  • Once the Enscape installation is complete and you have signed into your Chaos account, your license is active and can be shared with others if you wish. Keep in mind that only one person can use one license at a time. If you wish to have multiple people working simultaneously, you will need to add more licenses to your account.

4. Share the license.

Your IP address is now a connection point for others in your local network to share your Enscape license(s). Share your IP address with your team members so that they can connect to your IP address to use a floating license remotely.

Steps to engage the floating license

Follow these steps to configure Enscape to use a license provided by your Administrator:

1. Admin adds the user via the Organization tab:

  • Log into and go to the Organization tab on the toolbar.

Go to the three-dot menu next to Users and select Invite Users.

Invite users to your Organization. For instructions on this step, see the My Chaos Guide page. To enable Floating license sharing, open the three-dot menu next to the option and click Enable

2. A user downloads Enscape and starts the installation process.

Adjust the destination folder if needed or skip the step by clicking Next.

3. Choose your CAD software

In the next step, choose the CADs you wish to install Enscape for. Click Install and leave the wizard to do the rest.

4. Complete Installation

At the end of the installation, choose your telemetry settings and click Done. You do not need to sign in, as you are already connected to an active license.

You can now use a Floating Chaos Enscape license. You can check its status by selecting the Manage License link in the Chaos Account window within Enscape’s interface. Alternatively, you can type the host’s IP address followed by :30304 in any web browser.

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